Kasey Hill – Author & Poet

Writing One Page at a Time

Queen of Horror


Genres of Fiction include Horror, Christian/Gnostic Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance


Kasey Hill has lived in Franklin County, VA for most of her adult life. Spending two years in journalism in high school, and a few articles published in the Franklin News Post, she built much of her young adult life around reading and writing. After being from the craft for a few years, she decided to get back into the creative writing flow. She has several novels published, and many more stories circulating for anthologies as she pushes her passions forth into the writing community. Having published several poetry books and a nonfiction book about Wicca, she began her path of becoming an established author.

Please visit my publisher’s website to check out my books and others:

Since there isn’t any way to combine my blog page and actual author website, here is the link to my website so you can check that out as well! Thank you for taking the time to get to know me and looking through my stuff! Until merry we meet again!